The Secret to Engaging and Converting New Prospects
Some people assume you're in business solely to make more money. For people with a greater purpose this assumption can be frustrating!
Building a business takes lots of time, energy and practice. Critically it also distracts you from doing what you set out to achieve in the first place.
When marketing becomes a chore, you lose sight of your vision. Great marketing turns your vision into reality, it's never a barrier to change.
When you are great at what you do, why is it your prospects do not buy from you?
Therefore, potential customers assume your solution is like all the rest!
You must choose from thousands of marketing approaches.
Choose the few that genuinely help you stand out and get the attention your business deserves. This will drive the results you need to further your business purpose.
Positive results help your prospects turn effortlessly into happy buyers. This is what I help you do, by showing you how to demonstrate value, nurture curiosity and build trust.
Profit is no more the purpose of business than breathing is the purpose of life.
Attributed to John McKay, Economist
One of the proven ways to amplify your marketing is through the power of storytelling. Successful business owners use the Magic of Stories to market and develop their businesses.

Well Chris, you and I have been talking about storytelling for a long time and this is my first real exposure to using storytelling as a device for business promotion. And I have to say that the bottom line is very certain to lead to very exciting new angles to my projects. From thinking about the climate and environmental issues, and how businesses can benefit from taking action on that, the big challenge is always communication, creating awareness and persuading people to act. So, I’ve always been looking for new modes of communication rather than the conventional blogs and podcasts and websites and email campaigns, etc, etc.
So to be able to craft a story around some of my experience from Africa, that is from my personal first-hand observations of climate related issues, environmental destruction and so on. It gives me a lot of good ideas that I can utilise in different ways, certainly continuing writing, continuing putting out a pitch in my various networks but also producing some documentaries, which is something I’ve been experimenting with and very excited about as well. So, I think I do have not just a story but stories to tell and this session has definitely helped me clarify, crystallise and look for a way forward for that. So I have to say thanks very much, Chris.

I thought it was really great. I mean it was hard work preparing for it, harder than I thought. It was really worth it in terms of trying to kind of get ideas, very personal ideas over to other people and I think the people who were there, I thought were great in terms of attentive in terms of asking questions that indicated that they’d been thinking about what I’d said. I really think the whole idea of the way these sessions work. I’m really kind of pleased to have been engaged with it really.
I expect to come to others. I’m really now fascinated to hear other peoples’ stories. There was someone here today who's going to be talking the next time and I’m already thinking about things I want to ask him in anticipation of that.
I think that the concept of telling stories to promote ideas, promote your business, promote services that you think that people may want, is really important and it often gets lost in the kind of trying to send smart messages, sound bites, etc and I think that the idea of taking time to tell more of a story and trying to create circumstances by which people can listen to it is really good. And I think that being able to rehearse it with a group of people who are sympathetic and critical at the same time is really good.
Business Storytelling: an Unfair Advantage?
We're all storytellers and every business owner tells many stories. We're so used to storytelling that we become slapdash or don't even notice when we're telling a story.
Stories are told in spoken or written words for an audience. Notes you make from your life experience are not a story - they're your raw material. Business storytellers, the ones who really want to make a difference, develop their skills in these three disciplines:

If you know exactly where you're headed ... it's no fun at all!
Find Stories
How do you find the raw material for your stories? Explore past and contempary stories plus ideas from history, science, data, fairy stories ...
Tell Stories
This is where you take your raw material and craft it into compelling and transforming stories. Stories that capture attention and hold it while you explain about your business.
Share Stories
The media you use to communicate your stories make a difference. A move from spoken to written words (or vice versa), for example, makes a huge difference. This is where you design your story-based marketing strategy.
What's Your Next Step?
Telling Stories: Making Business
Telling Stories is an opportunity to hear a business owner's story and offer feedback. By helping others, you hone your storytelling skills. Meets twice a month on Zoom. Press the button to find the programme:
Find Tell Share Podcasts
Co-hosted by Chris Sissons of Market Together and Jemma Rosenthal of Creative Hearts, "Find Tell Share" covers all things storytelling with a different guest every month. Press the button to find the recordings:
Coaching Options
SAMPLE Stories
Work out which Portfolio you need
Build a Portfolio of stories for your Business
Assistance with your storytelling needs
Simpler, faster and more effective move
Simple, fast and just for you